SPONSOR ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank is a commercial bank with 100% German shareholding, with over 21 years of experience in the Romanian market. Our most important characteristic is that we are a bank dedicated to the Romanian business environment, focusing on financing mainly SMEs and meeting their needs with various financing solutions. ProCredit Bank's orientation towards sustainability, towards green financing in general, has been emerging since 2014, but in the RE area it is clear that we are seeing an acceleration of financing in recent years.
Management Board PCB Romania

As a bank that started its green lending almost a decade ago, ProCredit Bank currently has more than 20% of its SME portfolio represented by green loans, loans that have various destinations applied to the Romanian business environment: Renewable Energy projects, energy efficiency of production processes as well as of the premises where SMEs operate, but also support to farmers who want to make the transition to sustainable agriculture.




ProCredit Bank Romania has recently successfully completed a EUR 3.15 million financing to nextE Group, in an innovative EaaS (Energy as a Service) renewable energy project based on a 25-year PPA contract signed with RAAL.