SPONSOR Clean energy solutions provider. Worldwide experience. Local presence


The German company PNE AG is one of the most experienced developers of projects in the renewable energy sector: financially strong, with incomparable industry knowledge and an extraordinarily broad field of expertise. With a market experience of over 25 years, the Cuxhaven-based company has been listed on the stock markets since 1998, currently its shares being traded on the SDAX stock exchange. PNE AG is also included in the TecDAX index of the 30 largest German companies. Morgan Stanley became a shareholder of PNE AG in 2019, by acquiring a majority stake at the price of 4 Euros per share, a transaction following which PNE AG was quoted at a market value of 300 million Euros. Currently, the market value of the company PNE AG is approximately 1 billion Euros, and one share is traded at the value of 13.3 Euros.


With a constantly growing business volume, PNE AG has consolidated its presence on foreign markets since 2008, so that the company currently operates in 15 countries in Europe, South Africa, North America and Asia. Recently, the company managed to exceed the 3.5 GW/MWp threshold, the potential power of the various developed projects, and has in the "pipeline" a portfolio of projects with a total power of over 20 GW/GWp.

As a clean energy solutions provider for markets and industries regionally, nationally and internationally, PNE keeps an eye on the entire value chain of renewable energies as well as the processing of electricity. In addition to wind energy, photovoltaics, battery storage and power-to-X technology with a focus on hydrogen are part of the firm's offering. PNE uses the findings from global projects to generate energy at the local level with maximum efficiency and social responsibility.


PNE AG has been present on the Romanian market for more than a decade, currently PNE Romania being a company recognized both for the scale of the projects developed and for its strong lobbying in support of the development of the "green" industry and the transition to "net zero" in Romania. Recent experience includes the sale of wind energy projects totaling 220 MWp in Constanta county, to Northland Power, the sale of an 81 MWp photovoltaic project in Oradea to Econergy, at RTB, as well as the sale of 5 photovoltaic projects in Bihor, with a total capacity of 208 MWp to TotalEnergies Renewables SAS. Last year alone, the company developed and sold at RTB a PV project of 61.5 MWp in Dolj county, due to become operational in 2025. PNE completed the development of a 48.9 MWp photovoltaic project in Constanța County, which now is subject of a new transaction.

For 2024, almost 500 MWp of mature photovoltaic projects will reach RTB stage and development of additional 1500 MWp of various technologies will advance to maturity.

Daniela Dinescu, Managing Director of PNE Romania, has been leader of PNE Romania since its foundation and is one of the most active and respected managers in the industry, initiator and promoter of several support actions for the renewable energy industry.