Energy Ministry: Romania will have plants producing 10 GW of renewable energy by 2030

solar energy bucharest summit
Dan Drăgan, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Energy, spoke at the second edition of the Solar Energy Bucharest Summit, about the objectives and commitments of the Romanian authorities in the process of transition to renewable energy.
In the context of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Romania is taking important steps to join the global mission and facilitate access to renewable energy technologies with low environmental impact.
By 2030, the Ministry of Energy has set a target of installing at least 10 GW. To this end, the Ministry of Energy aims to remove all legislative barriers.
"Romania supports climate neutrality with other EU countries at the year level 2050 and this is also reflected in the long-term strategy, which is in the process of final adoption, developed by the Ministry of Environment together with the Ministry of Energy. We have already started reviewing the National Integrated Energy and Climate Change Plan. Based on the results obtained in long-term strategy and through this revision of the National Energy - Climate Change Plan, we set ourselves a target for 2030 installing at least 10 GW of capacity based on renewable energy. It means that by 2030 we will have to have a very clear primary legislation, a very clear secondary legislation and at the same time remove all administrative barriers and obstacles in achieving these targets that Romania has undertaken or will undertake in the future."Dan Dragan said at the Solar Energy Bucharest Summit.
€2 billion funding for transmission and distribution operators
Although solar energy will play a key role in reaching the 10 GW target, Romania's development strategy also aims to the development of nuclear infrastructure and the use of natural gas as transitional fuel. These alternatives will provide banded energy supply and help balance the national energy system in transition period towards green energy.
"We are continuing in the medium and long term to develop, including nuclear capacities, in order to have a predictable, banded energy. At the same time we will also use natural gas as a transitional fuel, natural gas that will be needed for balancing the national energy system", explained the Secretary of State.
In order to implement future generation capacity, the Minister of Energy has signed contracts with transmission and distribution operators worth more than 2 billion euros. The aim of this action is to reconfigure energy transmission and distribution system.
The Ministry of Energy also approved investment schemes of other 2 billion euros for authorities, legal entities, consumer-prosumers, independent producers and prosumers in the agricultural sector.
"To reinforce and create resilience in the transmission and distribution system, we already have contracts signed. More than EUR 2 billion is available to transmission and distribution operators to develop the network and digitise it, prepare it, make it a smart grid, so that it can meet these challenges.
At the same time, it is very important to support the development of these new production capacities by the Romanian Government. Here at the Ministry of Energy, we have two instruments at our disposal: the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is under analysis, with a value of approximately 600 million euros for solar and wind renewable generation and the modernisation fund an instrument to achieve production capacities.
May I mention that at this time through the investment committee schemes worth around €2 billion have been approved to build renewable generation capacity, which will be divided into four main segments, in equal proportions. There will be a scheme for public authorities of around €500 million, a scheme for legal consumer-users of around €500 million, a scheme for independent producers of €500 million and a scheme for prosumers operating in the agricultural sector to be run in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture of €500 million." the representative of the Ministry of Energy said.
To modernise and restructure the energy sector, the Ministry of Energy has included in its plans solar capacities of at least 730 MW for Oltenia Energy Complex. This will help diversify generation sources and ensure a rapid transition to renewable energy.
Ministry of Energy to implement CfD mechanism
To facilitate investment and ensure a predictable environment for both investors and consumers, the Ministry of Energy has announced that it will implement the Contract for Difference. This mechanism will install around 2 GW of renewable energy capacity in the first phase and between 3 and 4 GW in the second phase. The CfD mechanism will also be supported from the Modernisation Fund, the European Commission having been notified for this scheme.

"We hope to have the final form of the primary legislation and the mechanism for contracts for difference in a maximum of two months for public debate. With these contracts for difference we have committed ourselves through the Recovery and Resilience Plan a first auction at the end of this year and the next in 2024. With the first two tenders we aim to achieve minimum capacities of around 2 GW in the first auction and 3 GW to 4 GW, depending on the market appetite for these contracts through this mechanism for contracts for difference. The first funding will be through the Modernisation Fund and I can inform you that we have already pre-notified to the European Commission our intention for this Contracts for Difference scheme and their funding mechanism in the first phase."Dan Dragan added.
The strategy of the Ministry of Energy is to develop energy production from renewable energy sources, with clear targets by 2030 and 2050 respectively, as part of its role towards the European Union. Romania supports climate neutrality along with other EU countries by 2050. This is also highlighted by the medium-term strategy, which is in the process of final adoption, developed by the Ministry of Environment together with the Ministry of Energy.