"E.ON's ambition is to actively contribute to the democratisation of the energy space through its photovoltaic solutions"

 “Ambiția E.ON este de a contribui activ la democratizarea spațiului energetic, prin soluțiile sale fotovoltaice”


E.ON Energie Romania recorded a exponential growth demand for its renewable energy solutions through photovoltaic panels in 2022, and estimates that this renewable boom will be even greater in the coming years, according to the company's deputy CEO, Andrei Ștefănescu, present at the Solar Energy Bucharest Summit 2023.

"In our company's case, the interest in renewable energy systems increased by about 10 times last year, compared to 2021, in the residential area. In terms of demand from the business segment, we have an increase of about three times", said Andrei Stefanescu.

These developments are in line with E.ON's ambition to contribute to the democratisation of the energy space, which means that through its solutions the company wants to give people the freedom to produce energy and have control over what they produce.

Romanian interest in green solutions is growing strongly year on year, but this renewable boom needs to be supported by the right measures from the regulatory environment. "If you look at what happened with the Photovoltaic Green House programme, the allocation of 12,000 projects took 3 minutes and 10 seconds."

"In our case, we installed on average about 3 PV systems per day for domestic customers, and for business customers we installed a PV plant every other day. That's around 120 installations for B2B customers and over 600 in the residential area," said Andrei Stefanescu.

The exponential growth in demand for photovoltaic panel systems represents an enormous test and an unprecedented challenge not only for market players across the value chain, but also for customers, which is why E.ON's strategy is to look carefully at their needs and put them first, which is the starting point for developing solutions.

"We don't stop at the equipment design, installation and implementation part, but continue the journey with customers, providing proactive monitoring of system performance. We also provide maintenance services, so that no matter what happens we can react quickly enough. We even look at insurance, the purpose of this approach is to ensure that, more than anything else, our customers can focus on what is important to them without having to worry about the PV system. Also, one of key differentiators is the part of financing in flexible plans up to 5 years, even 10 years for B2B customers, without advance payment. This means we can get into the sustainability zone without looking at it as a burden."said Andrei Stefanescu at the Solar Energy Bucharest Summit 2023.

Over the next five years, E.ON estimates that between 400,000 and 500,000 PV power plants could be installed for residential customers in the market as a whole, taking into account current developments.

"Our current estimate is that in the next five years we will see somewhere between 400,000 and 500,000 PV plants installed on the roofs of Romanians' homes. This is a huge test and a challenge not only for us in the sales and implementation area, but also for the customers.", said the company's deputy CEO.